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Comfort Music: Jack Langdon Quartet, & Meghan Lamb

6/19/24 UPDATE: Unfortunately Nat Baldwin won’t be able to join us on the show this Friday. We have a small line up change. Jack Langdon will be joined by Erica Miller, Jeff Kimmel, and Sam Scranton

Nat Baldwin is a composer and double bassist from Maine currently living in Western Mass. He’s released several solo and collaborative works across genres and runs the experimental music label Tripticks Tapes.

Jack Langdon (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians) is a musician, filmmaker, and writer, who grew up in Keyeser, Wisconsin. He creates work that heightens attention towards commonplace sounds, images, and narratives—reassembling things taken for granted into strange, elusive constructions. His concert works are stark and expansive, drawing inspiration from the landscape and folk modernisms of the American Midwest. He performs on multiple keyboard instruments and electric guitar—particularly utilizing pipe organs, tonewheel, and transistor organs in experimental and improvised contexts. His films focus on landscape, the built environment, and people, and he writes on the political economy of cultural production. Jack is an editor for Culture as Care Journal and the founder of Empty Stage Journal & Records. His primary teachers have been Taylor Ho Bynum, Katherine Young, and Ash Fure.

Meghan Lamb is the author of COWARD (Spuyten Duyvil, 2022), Failure to Thrive (Apocalypse Party, 2021) All of Your Most Private Places (Spork Press, 2020) and Silk Flowers (Birds of Lace, 2017). She served as the Philip Roth Writer-in-Residence at Bucknell University in 2018, and currently teaches creative writing through the University of Chicago, Story Studio, and GrubStreet. Her work has appeared in Quarterly West, DIAGRAM, Redivider, and Passages North, among other publications. She is the Nonfiction Editor of Nat. Brut, the Fiction Editor of Bridge (a Chicago-based magazine, journal, and archive), and the Acquisitions Editor of their small press arm, Bridge Books. She is also the front woman of Kill Scenes: an 80s horror film-inspired post-punk band.