Socially Distant Outdoor Film Screenings
August 19th, 8pm
The Pink Egg (2017)
Directed by Jim Trainor
Co-presented with the Chicago Underground Film Festival
August 26th, 8pm
Big Eat Meater (1982)
Directed by Chris Windsor
September 2nd, 8pm
To be announced...
September 9th, 8pm
Crime Wave (1985)
Directed by John Paizs
All screenings will operate with strict guidelines, enforced by Comfort Station staff, including:
All persons must wear a mask/face covering (covering both the nose and mouth) in order to enter the viewing area.
Comfort Station will enforce a total maximum capacity of 30 individuals for any film screening event.
All attendees must maintain social distancing (not less than 6 feet) between individuals not within your household or otherwise identified group
If you are sick, we ask that you not attend
Please see our website for a full list of our health and safety protocols for film events