Learn about ‘temporal style’ comix drawing and craft temporal comix of your own.
Artist Bio:
standing at 5’ 3” on a good day, emma b. rosengarten is an art teacher and cartoonist from evanston, il. she is a 2021 graduate of the school of the art institute of chicago where she earned a BFA in art education with an emphasis in teaching. her pedagogy is largely influenced by paolo freire, TAB (teaching for artistic behavior), and tikkun olam. since 2015 she has been teaching art at camps, synagogues, clubs, public and charter schools, and doesn’t plan on quitting anytime soon.
mycology, relationships, antizionist judaism, the food service industry, collective liberation, the city of chicago, and post-capitalist dreams are a handful of concepts queried in her work. she has self-published works such as “for those actively seeking to avoid misery” (2016 graphic novel), “the interwoven after” (2021 qqqqpoetry zine), and “awfully temporary” (2021 compilation zine). her comix have been published by paperclip magazine, diminuendo magazine, fnewsmagazine, and third estate art collective. she is currently conducting research for a graphic novel exploring the history of jews in chicago from the twentieth century to the present entitled “jewtown”, and teaching kindergarten-8th grade art classes at chicago international charter school: irving park.
emma is developing a new genre of comix called the temporal style, arguing that comix without panels are the most accurate reflection of dreaming/waking life and the passage of time as we know it. she loves garbanzo beans, dancing, and bringing people together.