Film Programmer Mentorship Screening:
BirdSong/El cant dels ocells (2008)
curated by David Whitehouse
BirdSong (2008)
Three wise men embark on a journey to see the newborn Jesus Christ.
Directed by Albert Serra
Victòria Aragonés
Lluís Carbó
Mark Peranson
Runtime: 98 minutes
Media: Digital Projection
In Spanish with English subtitles.
About David Whitehouse
David Whitehouse is an aspiring film programmer currently working as a fine dining professional in Chicago. David has a longstanding love for film and criticism, with particular affinity for durational film and contemporary East Asian cinema. He spent the majority of his upbringing in O‘ahu, developing early interests in photography, music, literature, and moving image. David worked as a curatorial assistant at the Honolulu Museum of Art’s Doris Duke Theater, writing film criticism and supporting the daily flows of arthouse programming. David studied film at Wesleyan University where he produced critical writing for the inaugural film analysis publication Intercut. Outside of work, you can find David watching too many movies, going to shows, or doing crossword puzzles at the bar.